(01-04-2022 - 31-03-2023)
1) All current year bank account passbook or bank statements - Savings Account, Current Account, C.C. Loan account and credit card statement
2) Loan account statement of Government Bank / Private Bank / Co-op Society / Co-op Bank / Bajaj Finance / etc.
3) F.D. Details and Xerox of F.D. / R.D / Small Savings Scheme. / Post office Deposits
4) Details of current year's income (Salary, Business, Agriculture, Rental Income, Interest Earned etc.) Purchase-sale details, Form no. 16A, TDS certificate etc.

[FOR Salaried Employees] [1) Form no. 16 - Both Part A and Part B should be given and bifurcation of salary in Form No. 16 - like - Basic, DA, allowances, incentives and Form 12BA is required]
5) Details of loans taken from friends or family. 💰💰
6) Details of property / two-wheeler or four-wheeler bought or sold in the current year, information of gold-silver jewelery.
7) Details of Tax Saving Investment under 80C and 80D - like- PF, PPF, LIC Insurance, ELSS , Mutual Funds, Home Loan Principal Repayment, amount of "Tuition Fee" in Children's School Fee Receipt, Sukanya Samrudhi Deposits, NPS. Investment in ELSS, NSC, Post Office, interest paid on educational loans for children, etc.
8) If there is any other income, its details - current year savings account interest, interest on FD and RD, commission, rent income etc.
9) Details of expenses incurred in shop or business - Details of shop rental agreement, rent paid receipt, salary paid to servants, shop insurance amount, petrol diesel exp amount, repairs and maintenance, mobile bill, electricity bill, some other expenses should be given. 📎📎🖇️
9) Details of purchase and sale of shares and mutual funds made in the current year - [FROM SHARE BROKER Take ledger - profit and loss statement from stock brokers - saudasummary - capital gain statement for Income Tax Return with date of Purchase and sale of Each Shares and securities]
10) In case of Home Loan, FINAL interest certificate of the bank is compulsory. 🏠🏡
Your faithfully
CA Ajay Agarwal
Ajay Agarwal & Company
Chartered Accountants
🌐 https://www.caagrawal.com